Manthos Delis is a Professor of Financial Economics at Audencia Business School and Member of the Board of Directors at the University of Ioannina.
His current research emphasizes the role of sustainable finance (especially bank credit) in modern societies. More than 60 of his papers are published in top-tier journals, with 11 publications in FT-listed journals (Journal of Accounting & Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, Operations Research, Review of Finance), 24 in ABS 4 journals, and many other in top-field journals (European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Money, Credit & Banking, etc.).
He has been a full professor since the age of 33 and IDEAS ranks his research among the top 1% economics researchers in the world. Among other awards, on March 2019, he was externally nominated for the USERN Prize 2019 and is included in the Stanford science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators.
He is a co-founder and member of the organizing committee of the CEPR Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance. He is also a member of the scientific committee of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA). He serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Stability and the International Review of Finance.
Please check below for selected recent publications and for several articles on the restructuring of the Greek economy.
For a full list of my publication record and working papers click here
Working papers and R&Rs
Corporate taxes and economic inequality: A credit channel (with E. Galariotis, M. Iosifidi, S. Ongena). CEPR. VOX EU story. SSRN. IDEAS.
Inter alia presented at the EFiC 2023 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance, the 22nd C.r.e.d.i.t. 2023, and the 2023 Strasburg, Bank of Finland, and Fordham Workshop on Banking and the Society.
Education and credit (with Y. Deli, A. Whelan). SSRN.
Previously distributed as "Education and credit: A Matthew effect." Inter alia presented at the 37th Meeting of the European Economics Association (EEA), University College Dublin (UCD), the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), the Irish Economics Association (IEA), Beijing University of Technology, 5th Benelux Banking Research Day (KU Leuven), RCEA Conference on Recent Developments in Economics, Econometrics and Finance (Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis), the 7th LEER Conference on Education Economics (KU Leuven).
Too-big-to-strand? Bond versus bank financing in the transition to a low-carbon economy (with W. Beyene, De Greiff, K., and S. Ongena). CEPR.
Inter alia presented at the European Central Bank, the Florence School of Banking and Finance-European University Institute Joint Seminar, the German Council of Economic Experts, Temple University, Tinbergen Institute, the University of Luxembourg / European Stability Mechanism, the 2021 Bank of Japan International Research Workshop on Climate-Related Financial Risks, the 2022 BOFIT Bank of Finland Workshop on Banking and Institutions, the 2021 third Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance, the 2022 European Network for Research on Investment Meeting of the European Investment Bank, the 2022 Roundtable on “The Economics of Climate Change Policy" (Bern), the 2022 SFI Knowledge Exchange Seminar on Banks and Climate (Zürich), and the 2020 Swiss Finance Institute Research Days.
Board gender diversity and the within-firm pay gap (with I. Hasan, M. Iosifidi, P. Politsidis, and A. Saunders). SSRN.
Best Paper Award, International Conference in Banking and Financial Studies. Inter alia presented at the ASSA 2024 annual meeting, the 2023 FMA Annual Meeting, the GRETA C.r.e.d.i.t. 2023 Conference, the 6th Erasmus Corporate Governance Conference, the 25th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF), and the 12th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS).
Creditor rights and bank lending: The role of country size (with I. Hasan and M. Iosifidi). SSRN.
Inter alia presented at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Montpellier Business School, Audencia Business School, University of Ioannina, and the 22nd Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics.
Credit and income inequality (with F. Fringuellotti and S. Ongena). Available as a NY Fed Working paper.
Presented inter alia at: ASSA 2021 annual meeting; Federal Reserve Week After Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions 2021; Paris December Finance Meeting; EFA 2020; EEA 2020; 9th MoFiR Workshop on Banking; CEPR’s Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance.
Corporate tax changes and credit costs (with Y. Deli, I. Hasan, P, Politsidis, and A. Saunders). SSRN. R&R in the Journal of Money, Credit & Banking
Inter alia presented at the 2022 International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF), the 2022 World Finance Conference, the 2021 World Finance Banking Symposium, the 11th National Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS), and the 2019 International Tax Conference (Beijing University of Technology).
Recent publications
Global evidence on profit shifting (with F. Delis, L. Laeven, and S. Ongena). Journal of Accounting & Economics, accepted. CEPR. VOXEU story.
Reserves regulation and the risk-taking channel (with S. Kokas and A. Kontonikas). Journal of Corporate Finance, 89 (2024), 102689. SSRN.
Pollution permits and financing costs (with F. Antoniou, S. Ongena, and C. Tsoumas). Journal of Money, Credit & Banking, forthcoming. SSRN. VOXEU story.
The bright side of bank lobbying: Evidence from the corporate loan market (with I. Hasan, T. To, E. Wu). Journal of Corporate Finance, 86 (2024), 102591.
Economic preferences over risk-taking and financing costs (with I. Hasan, M. Iosifidi, and C. Tsoumas). Journal of Corporate Finance, 80 (2023), 102423.
Population diversity and financial risk-taking (with E. Dioikitopoulos and S. Ongena). Journal of Banking and Finance, 151 (2023), 106852.
Gender, credit, and firm outcomes (with I. Hasan, M. Iosifidi, and S. Ongena). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57 (2022), 359-389.
Forward guidance and corporate lending (with S. Hong, N. Paltalidis, and D. Philip). Review of Finance, (2021), rfab027.
Enforcement actions on banks and the structure of loan syndicates (with M. Iosifidi, S. Kokas, S. Ongena, and D. Xefteris). Journal of Corporate Finance, 60 (2020).
Democracy and credit (with I. Hasan and S. Ongena). Journal of Financial Economics, 136 (2020), 571-596.
Enforcement of banking regulation and the cost of borrowing (with Y. Deli, I. Hasan, and L. Liu). Journal of Banking and Finance 101 (2019), 147-160.
On the effect of business and economic university education on political ideology: An empirical note (with I. Hasan and M. Iosifidi). Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2019), 809-822.
Formal enforcement actions and bank behavior (with C. Tsoumas and P. Staikouras). Management Science 63 (2017), 959-987.
The risk-taking channel of monetary policy in the US: Evidence from loan-level data (with I. Hasan and N. Mylonidis). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 49 (2017), 187-213.
Bank market power and firm performance (with S. Kokas and S. Ongena). Review of Finance 21 (2017), 299-326.
The effect of board directors from countries with different genetic diversity levels on corporate performance (with C. Gaganis, I. Hasan, and F. Pasiouras). Management Science 63 (2017), 231-249.
Foreign ownership and market power in banking: Evidence from a world sample (with S. Kokas and S. Ongena). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 48 (2016), 449-483.
Bank regulations and income inequality: Empirical evidence (with I. Hasan and P. Kazakis). Review of Finance 18 (2014), 1811-1846.
On the estimation of marginal cost (with M. Iosifidi and E. Tsionas). Operations Research 62 (2014), 543-556.
Profit shifting
Financial institutions' exposure to fossil fuel assets. ECON committee, European Parliament.
Global evidence on profit shifting: The role of intangible assets. VOX EU CEPR Policy Portal, October 2021
Γιατί τα τρισ. της παγκόσμιας ρευστότητας δεν φτάνουν στην πραγματική οικονομία. Liberal, 20/12/2020.
Pollution permits and financing costs. VOX EU CEPR Policy Portal, December 2020.
Θα τολμήσει η κυβέρνηση να εφαρμόσει τις μεταρρυθμίσεις Πισσαρίδη; Liberal, 24/11/2020.
Τι περιμένει η κυβέρνηση για να εφαρμόσει το προεκλογικό της πρόγραμμα; Liberal, 26/09/2020.
Fuelling fossil fuel: Bond to bank substitution in the transition to a low-carbon economy. PRI Article, 24/04/2020.
Πώς θα αποφύγουμε την βαθιά ύφεση. Liberal, 20/04/2020.
Understanding the concept of Helicopter Money. Forbes France, 14/04/2020.
Ήρθε η ώρα να τυπωθεί νέο χρήμα. Liberal, 19/03/2020.
Strengthening the international role of the euro. Speech at the EESC, 04/01/2019.
Ευρωεκλογές σε μία Ευρώπη που αλλάζει. Ομιλία ΕΟΠΕ, 16/03/2019.
The carbon bubble and the pricing of bank loans. VOX EU Policy Porta, May 2018.
Ανισότητα στην Ελλάδα. Liberal 11/12/2017.
Ανισότητα, κίνδυνος φτώχειας και λύσεις. Dianeosis, Δεκέμβριος 2017.
Τα ΑΕΙ, η αριστεία και οι κυβερνήσεις. Καθημερινή, 10/08/2017.
Το πολιτικό-θεσμικό πρόβλημα της Ευρώπης. Ναυτεμπορική, 24/03/2017.
Democratic development lowers the cost of credit. VOX CEPR Policy Portal, February 2017.
Φορολογική πολιτική και ανισότητα των εισοδημάτων. Ναυτεμπορική, 12/10/2015.
Πέντε ακαδημαϊκοί μιλούν στη «Ν» για τα βήματα που θα οδηγήσουν στην ανάκαμψη. Ναυτεμπορική 23/09/2015.
Φοροδιαφυγή και ηλεκτρονικές πληρωμές. Greek Economists for Reform.
Νεποτισμός, μεταρρυθμίσεις και επικράτηση των αρίστων. Καθημερινή, 09/08/2015.
Το ταξικό ΟΧΙ και το μέλλον της ανισότητας. Καθημερινή, 12/07/2015.